Sabtu, 05 Juli 2014

Business English Assignment 7

Nama : Tertiera Nurariefani Azizah
NPM : 19210435
Kelas : 4EA18

Little Story About My Life

February 8, 1993, around 03.00 am I was born into this world. I am the third child of four siblings. I was given the name Tertiera nurariefani azizah. Many say, my name is unique. My father gave a matching name for her four children. Big brother named Primera, my sister called Secaundena, I own Tertiera, and my sister Quartetsya. These names symbolize our birth order. Tertiera own means, three.

Currently, I'm 21 years old, I studied at University of Gunadarma. I was very determined to be able to pass this year, because I had to help my mother. During this time, she is working hard alone to finance my college. My father has been dead since 2008. At that time, just four days after the 15th birthday. Six months before he died, my father was convicted of lung cancer stage 3B. Since then, she is trying to make a living for us alone. At that time we were all still students.

I feel now, it's my turn to help her. I wanted to graduate from college of Gunadarma. Actually, first I want to be able to study at state university with majoring in architecture. I want to be an engineer, or at least become an interior designer. I'm very interested in building an image with a pattern perspective. In fact I often imagine to design my home. Designing porch, living room, bedroom, bathroom up. However, all that I have not been able to accomplish. Right now I'm actually studying at the faculty of economics majoring in management. In fact, during high school, I came out of science majors. All kinds of tests have I tried, from SNMPTN, UMB, until the test held by the university. But I do not qualify. But I'm grateful today to attend the University Gunadarma, because it must be fate that I live.