Rabu, 26 Maret 2014

Business English Assignment 2

Nama : Tertiera Nurariefani Azizah
NPM : 19210435
Kelas : 4EA18

a.      Past Tense
Pas tense is used to talk about something that started and finished at a definite time in the past.
Formula :
Nominal form :
·         He/She/It + was + complement
·         You/We/They + were + complement
Verbal form :
·         I/You/We/They/He/She/It + verb 2 + object/adverb
Example :
·         Eca went to Raja Ampat a week ago
·         Did you come to his apartment last saturday?

b.      Present Tense
The simple present tense in English is used to describe an action that is regular, true or normal.
For this purpose are often used as adverbs :
Ø  Always
Ø  Often
Ø  Usually
Ø  Seldom
Ø  Twice a year
Ø  Occasionally
Ø  Every day
Ø  Every week
Ø  Never 

Formula :
Nominal form :
Ø  I/You/We/They + to be (am, are) + complement
Ø  He/She/It + to be (is) + complement
Verbal form :
Ø  I/You/We/They + verb 1 + object/adverb
Ø  He/She/It + verb 1 + s/es + object/adverb
Example :
Ø  We are usually busy on Saturday morning
Ø  The sun rises in the east and sets in the west

c.       Future Tense
Future tense is a verb form that generally marks the event described by the verb as not having happened yet, but expected to happen in the future.
Formula :
Nominal form
o   I/We + will/shall + be + complement
o   He/She/It/They/You + will + complement
Verbal form
o   I/We + will/shall + verb 1 + object/adverb
o   He/She/It/They/You + will + verb 1 + object/adverb
Example :
o   Marno will go there with Ina
o   Will you come to my apartment tonight?

§  Singular noun is describing only one person, place or thing
§  Plural noun is describes more than one person, place or thing.
Example :
§  Budi is a student in the Gunadarma University.
§  My face is handsome.
§  They are meets her employee in front of the office
§  My store are rented for two years.

Pronoun is a word or form that substitutes for a noun or noun phrase. It is a particular case of a pro-form. Common pronouns include he, her, him, I, it, me, she, them, they, us, and we.
A.    Personal pronoun are pronouns that are associated primarily with a particular grammatical person – first person (as I), second person (as you), or third person (as he, she, it).
Example :
v  It is the most interesting book that I have ever read.
v  He borrowed me two interesting books.

B.     Possessive pronoun, include my, mine, our, ours, its, his, her, hers, their, theirs, your, yours, whose, and one's - all words that demonstrate ownership.
Example :
v  Yours are on the mountain.
v  Their food are the best for body slim.

C.     Reflexive pronoun, a pronoun that is preceded by the noun, adjective, adverb or pronoun to which it refers (its antecedent) within the same clause. In generative grammar, a reflexive pronoun is an anaphor that must be bound by its antecedent (see binding). In a general sense, it is a noun phrase that obligatorily gets its meaning from another noun phrase in the sentence.
Example :
v  Belu didn’t blame herself for the accident.
v  The students ate cookies that they cooked by themselves

Source :

Business English Assignment 1

Nama : Tertiera Nurariefani Azizah
NPM : 19210435
Kelas : 4EA18



The Komodo Dragon is the world’s biggest lizard. It’s a reptile, a cold-blooded animal. It is diurnal, most active during the day. The komodo dragon is a fast runner. It can run up to 11 mph (18 kph). It is also a good tree climber and swimmer. The Komodo Dragon’s scientific name is Varanus komodoensis. It is in danger of extinction because of habitat lost. It’s life span is about 20 years. Komodo Dragon live on island in Indonesia, including The Island of Komodo. They live is hot, humid, grassy lowlands and in rainforest.
Today, I went with my family to the island of Komodo. Our stay at the hotel are available there. My father and sister took me around to see the dragons, we accompanied the forest guards. We are not allowed to approach and touch the dragons. They are very wild and aggressive. I saw the dragons are eating chickens given large forest guards. My mother was not allowed to join us around to see the dragons because the mother was in a menstrual period. Dragons are very sensitive to the smell of blood. He can chase and pounce on anyone who smelled blood.
Father took me back to the lodge before dusk. We return to the hotel "Reksha" which is about 5 kilometers from the area of dragons. Our car ride provided by the tour guide. My sister was busy photographing the scenery along the way. Scenery there is so beautiful, decorated orange sky during twilight.
Our thirty-minute journey from the forest to the lodge. 18:00 we arrived at the hotel. I immediately shower in the bathroom. after a shower, my stomach is very hungry. Aroma of barbecued chicken wafted from my room. I quickly get dressed and eat with my family in the dining room.

*Blue : Subject
*Pink : Verb
*Green : Complement
*Purple : Modifire